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STE18-D operates with a35 mm Din Rail mounting and pole mounting accessories, consists of two parts. A customer interface unit (CIU), and a metering and control unit (MCU). A CIU is a keypad based display, to be installed within consumers homes wherever there is a plug point. A MCU is the main meter, installed away from consumer's home in a kiosk, meter box or a pole-mounted enclosure. MCU communicates with CIU via wireless communication such as Power Line Carrier (PLC), Radio Frequency(RF), LORA or 2-wires.This non-wired setup allows for easy inspection by utility and service providers at any time without visiting consumers' houses and reduces the chance of fraud by tampering.
Technical Parameters
Electrical Parameters
Nominal Voltage 230V
Working Voltage Range 70%~120%Un
Nominal Frequency50-60Hz
Basic Current (Ib)5A
Maximum Current (Imax)80A
Starting Current (Ist)20mA
Active Energy Constant1000imp/kWh
Measurement Accuracy Class 1.0
Power Consumption in Voltage Circuit<2W <8VA
Power Consumption in Current Circuit <1VA
Operation Temperature Range -25°C-70°C
Storage Temperature Range-40°C-85°C
Electro Magnetic Compatibility
AC Insulation Strength 4kV at 50Hz during 1min
Impulse voltage 1.2/50 us mains connections 8kV
Electrostatic Discharges
Contact discharge 8kV
Air discharge16kV
Electromagnetic RF Field 27MHz-500MHz 10V/m
Fast transient burst test 4kV
Mechanical requirements
Meter shell Water proof protection Rate IP54
Protection Class II
How Pay as you go (prepayment) Works
Basic Functionality
Function Details
Prepayment STS Standard, recharge by input 20digits TOKEN, Trip on no credit or preset balance level
Low credit alarm Alarm value can be set by inputting corresponding TOKEN
Prepaid and post-paid switch Meter can be switch to prepaid mode or post-paid mode
Load control function Meter can be programmed for load control threshold, If the current power is more than threshold. The meter will cut off user load.
Event recording Meter can record the tamper event, open cover event, purchaseevent and TOKENS.
Self-testing Meter has a self-test function, it can test LCD and relay etc. and report the results directly
Anti-fraud features Meter will automatically close the valve after detection of magnetic field and open cover event
TOU Tariff TOU Tariff can be set by inputting corresponding TOKEN
Overdraft Collection Electricity Overdraft can be collected day by day or month by month
Communication The meter is available with AMI system through LORARF or PLC on request
Information Inquiry Consumer could check the data like Credit Remain, Total Purchased and Total Credit by input the short code
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